Our Family

Our Family
December 2007

Friday, June 20, 2008

Going Quackers!!!

Well, I've been back to school for a few weeks now. In I took my Final in my Education class yesterday. My Math class still has 4 weeks left. I've done pretty well in school. I work really hard, and I've managed to keep my grades all As and A-s. Every time I get straight As (that includes the A-) we all go bowling. This way the boys are more likely to let me get homework done.

In addition to school, I have been cast as the lead role on the musical "Honk!" Kelsey is joining me as part of the ensemble. The play is basically the story of the Ugly Duckling, how he gets lost and how his mother searches for him. I'm the Momma duck! The music is fun, the cast is small, and everyone is really fun to be around. Opening Night will be July 25th, a week after I'm done with school. I can hardly wait! (See my other blog, Shaea's Dramatic Adventures)

We have started a new point system for our chores. Ben & I came up with a list of chores that need to be done on a regular basis, and assigned each chore a point value. Each one of the boys has to do a certain number points every day, except Sunday. This seems to work really well. They don't have to the same thing every day, unless they want to. Isaiah really likes doing the dishes, and Kelsey likes laundry and toilets. Reas gets points for helping anybody with a chore, or using the potty without being asked, since he's too little to do much else by himself.

Well, that's the latest for us! I'll write more another day... Have a great day!


Amy Lee said...

Very nice! You did a great job on your blog makeover.